That Homeschool Life Blog
5 Reasons Why I AM Digging This Homeschool Life and 5 Reasons Why I am NOT. (Part 1)
In the early phase of homeschooling, often new homeschoolers experience natural doubts about their decisions, which is completely normal. In this 2 part post, you will read the pros and cons of homeschooling for me at the early stages of our journey.
Easy Unschooling Activity for Your Emerging Reader
Bored? Well, I’ve got an activity for you, kid. It’s my favorite kind. One that requires nothing but curiosity to get the ball rolling. No lesson plans. No purchases. No time constraints.
Using Quotes To Teach (almost) Any Subject
Explore new ways to learn History, Language Arts, Essay Writing, and More through our unique Quotes Curriculum. Detailed descriptions and free lesson plans will get you started on a journey of inspired, personalized study with your students.
Homeschooling High School Help
As your homeschooling journey enters the high school years, careful planning and thoughtful organization become even more crucial. Transitioning into high school homeschooling requires a tailored approach that meets the unique needs of your teenager's education.