Cultivating a Love for Reading and Words with Simple VocabularyActivities
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When I started homeschooling my boys, I knew I wanted nothing to do with the restrictions associated with the traditional school system I had navigated personally for over 12 years. I knew I wanted the freedom to explore and pursue interests, trusting God to lead the way.
As a result, I rebuffed identifiably traditional resources like textbooks, desks, boxed curriculums, etc.(I later learned that I was in what is called an "unschooling" phase.) Instead, we were sprawled across the floor or bed, reading maps, dancing to music, painting, playing games, watching TV, and visiting parks. The name of the tribe that best describes my homeschool style is "eclectic". Yes. I did a little bit of everything, marching to the beat of my kid’s interests and personalities. It was my certainty for FREEDOM that guided me through the fears and doubts. Certainty became a hallmark of our homeschooling. I asked myself, “What am I certain of?”
I was certain I loved two things: Reading and Words. I took pleasure in teaching my kids to read, looking forward to the day they would read on their own. Therefore, I planned our early days around, you guessed it… reading.
Early Years- Frequent Library Trips, Read-aloud, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons
Elementary- Library trips, Read Alouds, Audiobooks, Guided reading
Middle School- Audio Books, Read Plays aloud, Independent Reading
I also took great pleasure in introducing my boys to a new word every week. Not any word but words that filled the mouth with an explosion of vowels and consonants.Words with mysterious meanings. Words with meanings in their name. Words that begged to be said aloud. I decided early to not put any labels on these words, although I knew they would be considered "big" or "advanced" for their ages in most circles. They were simply introduced as a word we would get to know in some way every day. It's been 6 years and the word of the week is still a fixture in our homeschool, evolving over the years. I am delighted to share my love for words with your families and classrooms through our Fun to Say Words Bundle.
The Fun to Say Words Bundle comes with everything you need to get started on your “love for words” journey.
16 tried and true vocabulary words
Suggestions for daily activities for ages Pre-K to Teen
Printable worksheets
Plus a Teacher Guide. Total pp. 83.
From what I saw with my kids, this is what can happen when we see new words as presents to open. Kids will:
•Grow into confident communicators, organically using the fun words in conversation.
•Be encouraged by their ability to recognize fun words in books and conversations.
•Become sensitive to similar vocabulary words.
Read Word of the Week as a Curriculum to get the details on how I cultivated the love of words and reading in my homeschool.
Join the Home Educator’s Hub and get the free “Fun To Say Words” Bundle plus access to a variety of resources to complement your curriculum.
As a homeschooling mom for more than 9 years, I have created most of the curriculum for my boys, who are now in 7th and 9th grade. I am excited to share my curriculum ideas through my blog, workbooks, guides, and workshops. Join The Home Educator’s Hub to learn how to develop your own unique curriculum in our free Curriculum Development Course.
I offer both free and paid resources, as well as curriculum ideas, in the areas of English Language Arts, Performing Arts, Biblical Studies, History, and High School Planning. You can find my store through the link provided and stay in touch with me through my website or Instagram.