EXPERIENCING Drama Based Education (DBE)Workshops With Altesa
Open to K-12 educators and practitioners.
K-12 educators will learn how to implement classroom management strategies in 5 categories over four, 2 hour classes using the drama based education model. Register for the free workshop that meets every 3rd Thursday. Invite another teacher to join you. Space is limited.
Monthly Workshop Schedule
(Every 3rd Thursday, 4-6p PST)
Let’s Do This! Building Community in Your Classroom: This class will help teachers use DBE to create a safe and productive environment for their students.
I Got My Own Problems. Practicing Compassion: This class will help teachers use DBE to create an awareness of and consideration for others in the classroom.
Huh? What’d You Say? Invitation to Concentration and Focus: This class will help teachers of active and distracted learners use DBE to promote concentration and focus.
Whoa! Don’t All Talk At Once. Stages to Student Engagement: This class will help teachers use DBE to promote student engagement by setting the stage for meaningful discussions and peer to peer interaction.